2018 Progress Photos


Wright Family Residence

809 21st Street, City of West Palm Beach, FL

The Academy started construction of its 6th house for Habitat for Humanity of Palm Beach County on January 24, 2018. The students have shown that experience pays, with each successive house being completed in less time, with higher quality, and with less mistakes. The ship date for the previous House #6 was November 30, 2017 and the installation date was December 1, 2017. This current house will be going to a property in the Coleman Park neighborhood in the city of West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County. The City’s Beach Building Department, and its chief inspectors and chief building officials, were eager to be a part of this program to integrate teaching about the inspection process into the Academy’s curriculum.  They took the time and 30-minute drive to the school to make inspections of the students’ work.  All inspections have passed on the first attempt


Lumber arrives & floor systems laid out (1/24/18)

Roof framing of trusses completed over top of completed floor framing (3/2/18)

Roof plywood sheathing installed (3/14/18)

Exterior stud walls going up (5/08/18)

Exterior walls getting plywood sheathing installed (5/25/18)

Window bucks & building wrap being installed; plumbing rough started (8/22/18)

Electrical and plumbing rough-in complete; passed all inspections  (10/1/18)

Insulation installed by the students  (10/8/18)

Lot cleared by Habitat (10/11/18)

Drywall started by students (10/12/18)

Foundation work by Habitat at the site (10/29/18 thru )

Footings formed 10/29/18


Footings poured 11/1/18

Load Day at Seminole Ridge (11/29/18)

7 tractor trailers, 1 crane, 10 construction workers load the 6 roof sections and 4 house modules to send off to an overnight holding site

Roof section onto the flat bed trailer
Two roof sections onto flat bed trailer
Student-builders assisting with the loading process
First house module waiting to come out
Here it comes with the usual tight fit
And …….
And …….
And, almost out
It made it
Lift it onto the awaiting truck
This is all it takes to push the house module out of the shop
Loads getting strapped down and waiting to head to the holding lot

Install Day at the Property (11/30/18)

Same crew, crane, and trucks work from 8 AM until 2 PM to off-load the house modules & roof sections to create the house the students built

Beautiful morning to lift a house
First house module arrives
First house module, up, up, and away
First house module hovering over its final resting place
First one down, 4 to go
House module #2 into place
First roof section lowering into place
Joint between modules is perfect
Second roof section ready to be set
Students and foundation contractor in sync; perfectly flush
Third roof section in place
Fascia board nicely aligned
Third house module being set
Third house module set and perfectly square with foundation
The most perfect joints between modules out of the 7 completed houses
Last house module in place. Module joints perfect. Square & flush with foundation.
First time the separate modules have ever existed as a house.
All joints between separate modules couldn’t be more perfect
Last roof section being set
Mission complete. It is a house

Voila !!!

Dedication Day:  The House becomes a Home (4/26/19)

Kendrick and his family get the keys to their new home and move in

(Left-to-right) James Campbell (Principal), seniors, Rick Terkovich (Academy instructor), Kendrick Wright (owner), Marcia Andrews (school board member)